Hawaii Hunting Seasons

See our comprehensive list of hunting seasons for animals of all types and all areas of Hawaii. We’ve made it easier than ever to find the dates you can hunt, length of the season, what type of hunting is allowed and other important details. Plus, check out hunting resources and direct links to Hawaii state resources.

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Hawaii State Hunting Season 2022 - 2023

The information provided above outlines the hunting seasons in Hawaii for various animals. These include Wild Pigs, Wild Goat, Black Tailed Deer and Wild Turkey (both spring and fall season), as well as Quail, Dove, and Partridge. The purpose of this information is to inform hunters about when it is legal to hunt these animals in Hawaii. Hunting during the wrong season could result in penalties or fines. Understanding when and where it is legal to hunt these animals helps ensure responsible hunting practices, as well as conservation of wildlife populations.

Interactive Hawaii Hunting Season Discovery

Use the forms below to filter by game, type of hunting, time of year, bag / tag limits and much more. We’ve gone through the state of Hawaii Hunting Seasons’s hunting season data and simplified it so you can easily find what you’re looking for. Please note, that information realated Hawaii state hunting is subject to change so be sure to check the state resources linked below the table before heading out to hunt.

Hawaii Hunting Seasons & Requirements

For the most accurate information on Hawaii Hunting Seasons, along with the state’s requirements for tag and bag limits, it’s a good idea to check with the Hawaii DNR.  We’ve provided their contact information below, along with links to helpful resources, including licensing.

Hawaii DNR

1151 Punchbowl St. Room 325
Honolulu, HI 96813

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