
Unlock the Great Outdoors

Wing It is in our testing period getting our platform ready for guests to have ample adventures to book and enjoy. In the coming months we are loading land all over the country that will allow you to access private land for many activities.

Wing It Guest Mobile App for Land Access
Wing It Guest Mobile App for Land Access

Explore New Spaces

If you are utilizing the Wing It platform, we have one rule that is very simple. “Leave It better than you found it”. Landowners are opening up their land to our guests and deserve the respect of having it taken care in your time there.

Access to private land is rare for most people. Hunting, fishing and camping are only a few of the activities Wing It landowners offer.

Millions of new acres will be online soon for you to explore. Signup today for early access and don’t miss out on the adventures of a lifetime!

As seen on


Yes, you can reserve and participate in activities as a Non-member without paying a subscription fee but you still have to pay for activity and service fees.

Members (member program coming soon) pay less to participate in their favorite outdoor activities. On the other hand, non-members (free) pay more to participate in the same activities.

The cost to reserve land is determined by the landowner. Each activity and each property will have different prices depending on what the landowner decides is fair. 

Wing It has a general liability policy in place to provide coverage for the landowner’s protection for Wing It booked activities.

It is up to the landowner to decide how they want to manage the property access. We assume for the most part you will not be required to talk to the landowner before accessing their property but some landowners may want to come greet you at the gate before you enter.

Our vision is to become the place that people come for activity-based land rental and our goal is to build a platform that supports the interests of outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds.  To find out about new activities that are being offered, sign up and we’ll let you know.